Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Free Remote Sensing Satellite Images

I have been searching for links to free Remote Sensing satellite images. The links below are the only ones I managed to get.

1. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Glovis - All of the USGS browse images are subsampled JPEGs of selected bands from the actual sensor data. The band combination, stretch, and resolution of the browse will vary according to each sensor. You can download images for free:

- ASTER Level-1A VNIR and TIR
- EO-1 ALI
- EO-1 Hyperion
- Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)
- Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Scan Line Corrector Off (SLC-Off)
- Landsat 4-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)
- Landsat 1-5 Multispectral Scanner (MSS)
- Landsat 4-7 MSS, TM, and ETM+ Combined
- MRLC 2001 Terrain Corrected (TC) and 2001 Reflectance Adjusted (RA)
- TerraLook
- and a lot more...

How to download the satellite imagery?

When the "Downloadable" message is shown in the image display area, the full resolution data may be downloaded at no charge. To download the imagery, first select (click on) the scene you would like to download. Then on the bottom portion of the left panel under 'Scene List', click 'Add' and the scene will be added to the list. The scene will be highlighted in the 'Scene List' box, and the 'Download' button will become available. For each scene, click the 'Download' button. A pop-up box will appear informing you of the amount of time the download will take and asking if you would like to continue. To download, click 'Yes'.

2. The Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF) - The Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF) provides earth science data and products to help everyone to better understand global environmental systems. In particular, the GLCF develops and distributes remotely sensed satellite data and products that explain land cover from the local to global scales.

Primary data and products available at the GLCF are free to anyone via FTP. Online datasets may be accessed electronically through the Earth Science Data Interface (ESDI).

The majority of users accessing GLCF datasets (certainly not all) come from the following communities:

* Science: geography, Earth science, ecology, climatology, conservation, education
* Environmental Policy: global warming, sustainable development, risk management
* Resource Management: biodiversity assessment, forestry, protected area management, forest inventory
* Disaster Management: fire, flood and drought monitoring, disaster mitigation, food security
* Computer Science: data mining, data fusion, computer vision


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