Sunday, November 04, 2007

3001 Embraces Leading-Edge Geospatial Technologies

3001, the geospatial company, a leading provider of airborne mapping and geospatial data production services, today announced the purchase of the Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) Gemini 167 kilohertz (kHz) topographic LiDAR sensor, equipped with Multipulse technology and Waveform Digitizer. Additionally, 3001 has upgraded its existing Leica airborne sensors, the ALS50 LiDAR sensor and the ADS40 digital airborne pushbroom camera, to their current-generation technology.

Ten years ago, 3001 co-developed the AeroScan LiDAR sensor, which has evolved into today's Leica ALS50. LiDAR data are used to produce detailed digital elevation models, including digital surface models (DSMs) and bare-earth digital terrain models (DTMs). Mounted in an aircraft, the LiDAR system is fully integrated with an airborne global positioning system (ABGPS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) to record hyper-accurate horizontal position and vertical elevation values of precise points on the ground. The Optech ALTM Gemini offers increased data coverage and effective collection rates over most commonly used commercial LiDAR systems. With over 167 kHz laser pulse repetition frequency (PRF), the Gemini can surpass customer-driven technology demands for GPS accuracy and increased collection speed.

"3001 strives to provide the latest tested technology to our customers," said Bart Bailey, 3001 CEO. "Our depth and breadth of experience with these technologies allow us to seamlessly integrate the new capabilities to offer faster service and higher quality data at lower costs to our customers. The addition of the OpTech LiDAR sensor to our sensor suite gives us greater flexibility to customize the services we offer. Optech has a great LiDAR sensor, a solid reputation for technical support, and has been a pleasure to work with."

3001's Leica ALS50-II MPiA, upgraded from the company's Leica ALS50 platform, allows for high pulse-rate topographic mapping (up to 150 kHz) and provides an increase in accurate data collection independent of pulse rate, depending instead only on flying height. The new sensor also allows for wider area mapping from a flying height envelope of 200 m above ground level (AGL) to 6000 m AGL.

3001's Leica ADS40 second generation imaging sensor (SH52) includes a patented Tetrachroid 4-band beamsplitter and enables production of equal resolution 5-Band imagery and perfectly co-registered natural color and color-infrared imagery. The ADS40 with an upgraded SH52 sensor head achieves the critical objective of improved geometric and radiometric representation of the Earth's surface and allows for the simultaneous acquisition of true high-resolution panchromatic, color, and color-infrared digital images. 3001 also selected the enhanced ADS40 upgrade, enabling color imagery collection at both nadir and reverse look directions, and providing for high-resolution color stereoimages from the ADS40 (not producible with first-generation models).

"The new Tetrachroid filter allows us to provide our customers with optically co-registered 4-band multispectral images," said Mark O'Neal, 3001 ADS40 Production Manager. "With the increased CCD sensitivity, we can fly faster and collect data more quickly than with the previous generation ADS40, achieving cost savings that we can pass along to our customers."

By owning and operating these technologies, 3001 offers its clients geospatial solutions specifically tailored to their mapping and information needs, with improved capacity to get jobs done on time and first-time-right. 3001 provides these services to federal, state, regional, and local governments and private firms. With the addition of the Optech ALTM Gemini sensor and upgrades to their existing Leica airborne digital sensors, combined with their industry-leading Z/I DMC digital airborne frame cameras and proprietary hardware and software technology, 3001 is poised to lead the geospatial industry's airborne imagery and LiDAR services market and provide the highest-fidelity data and products to date.



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