With open data standards,CAD integration,and a shared API, AutoCAD ® Map 3D and Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise sof tware products streamline workflows and maximize the value of geospatial data seamlessly — from the desktop to the Web.
From small towns to sprawling metropolises and from rural energy cooperatives to the largest utilities and telecommunications companies, organizations that depend on geospatial data need a way to edit and manage it effciently. They must also integrate geographic information systems (GIS) with engineering processes that use and generate CAD data. Moreover,virtually all organizations that collect and create GIS and CAD data want to share it with staff or citizens by leveraging the Internet.
GIS technology is advancing to help organizations achieve these goals. Traditionally, organizations have not been able to use preferred tools to edit and create GIS data because their systems store data in proprietary formats. Bringing CAD and GIS data together was possible,but required data conversion processes that can strip CAD data of valuable engineering precision or fail to fully utilize GIS data attributes. Additionally, organizations that share data over the Web needed a more open environment in order to affordably develop innovative applications that extend the value of spatial data beyond engineering and GIS departments.
With AutoCAD Map 3D and Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise as the foundation technologies, Autodesk offers a complete solution that helps organizations to realize effciencies and optimize the value of geospatial data.
Source : http://www.electricnet.com/
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