Monday, January 05, 2009

GIS maps for Wilton, New Hampshire

GIS maps have been introduced to officials of Wilton, New Hampshire, USA, says reports. Maps showing the town's various kinds of natural resources were plotted to better understand the significance of the land.

The five individual maps were produced, which served as GIS layers for other analysis maps.

The maps were placed around the old courtroom for comparison and comment. All of the maps include roads, water bodies and conservation lands.

The five individual maps are:

• A map compiled from aerial photography made by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this year. McGraw said similar maps from 1998 and 2003 are available for comparison.

• A map of historic and cultural resources compiled from various town sources.

• A farm and forest map highlighting good soils and open lands. Agricultural lands also include "scenic viewsheds."

• A map of wildlife habitats showing "unfragmented lands" – those areas that are not crossed by roads or other man-made features, which are critical for wildlife corridors. McGraw used the resources of the state Fish and Game Department, including their new Wildlife Action Plan, to create this map.

• A water resources map that includes setbacks and buffers, wellhead protection areas and potentially contaminated areas. Information for this map was provided in part by the Department of Environmental Services.


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