Tuesday, June 23, 2009

National HIV/AIDS Atlas: Mapping HIV cases

The National HIV/AIDS Atlas provides a powerful new tool to the public, health care professionals, policy makers and elected officials to access and map local, state and national data in order to see how HIV/AIDS is impacting their community.

What is the National HIV/AIDS Atlas?
For the first time, the Atlas presents county-level prevalence rates (based on the reported number of people living with HIV (non-AIDS) and AIDS in 2006) in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, depicting the intensity of the disease, rather than the magnitude.

Why was the Atlas created?
Mapping HIV/AIDS is an important step in stemming the tide of the disease. The Atlas was developed to increase awareness of, and public access to, HIV/AIDS data so that communities better understand the reality of HIV/AIDS in the United States today.

What does the Atlas show?
The Atlas allows users to focus on HIV/AIDS statistics by age, gender, and race/ethnicity, where available. It also allows users to see their congressional and state legislative districts overlaid on top of the county-level data.

You can visit the site here.


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