Continuing the NSF Joint NCAR/NEON Workshop Series: Predicting life in the Earth system – linking the geosciences and ecology
The workshop will consist of a series of talks, a one hour working session, and focus on broad synergies between ecology and the atmospheric sciences. These will be working meetings - in addition to preparing for and participating in the workshops, all attendees will have the option (but are not required) to contribute to manuscript generation, as we anticipate each workshop leading to a publication.
- What ecology can bring to atmospheric sciences and what atmospheric sciences bring to ecology?
- What tools have been developed to better understand these interactions?
- How does NEON advance the science? What are the NEON products that could be best used to bridge the gap between ecology and atmospheric sciences? What is NEON missing that would be helpful in meeting these goals?
For those interested, the workshop will be held virtually, Tuesday September 14, at 10 AM MDT. It will run for ~3.5 hours.
Use this link to register:
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