Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ESRI Tracking Server 1.1

Tracking Server 1.1, an ESRI solutions product for collecting and sending near real-time data from many data sources and formats to Web and desktop clients, tracks the movements of aircraft, ships, delivery vehicles, and any other asset in motion.

Tracking Server offers an extensible architecture that allows it to receive data from various sources and transmit that data to clients. It also logs data to a database as it is received or distributes it directly to Web and desktop clients including ArcGIS Tracking Analyst. As a result, end users have access to timely situational awareness. Tracking Server is an enterprise-level technology that is integrated with ESRI's other server and service products.

The new version of Tracking Server offers improvements to handling the history of tracked objects, enhancements to the Tracking Viewer Applet (including a Javadoc API), and support for BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere configurations.

Other features include:
# Tracking natural resources (e.g., variable stream flow).
# Provide situational awareness for common operational pictures in military applications.
# Track network flows for electricity and gas.
# View traffic flows
# View real-time data from any computer with access to the appropriate network, either intranet or Internet.
# Perform analysis on your data.

Source : www.esri.com


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