Monday, March 19, 2007

Mio kicks out C320 GPS unit

16 March 2007: GPS navigation manufacturer Mio introduced its new C320 GPS unit at CeBIT this week, adding one more option to its current line-up of handheld navigation offerings. Like the previously announced C520, the C320 packs a 4.3-inch widescreen display, although it apparently drops the Bluetooth functionality of its pricier sibling. Otherwise, the unit will give you the same MP3 player capabilities and, of course, navigation options, with maps of 22 Western European countries courtesy of TeleAtlas pre-loaded on the 1GB of internal memory, and optional real-time traffic information available to those that need it. What's more, the unit will also provide warnings about speed cameras, with free updates available for a year -- just be sure to keep it out of Switzerland. Look for this one to roll out in Europe next month for 350€, or about $465.

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