Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Google Earth real-time air quality information

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s real time scientific air quality information is now available on Google Earth. The information tool accesses the AIRNow database hourly so that the Air Quality Index displays the most current air quality conditions. Public health officials, media outlets and the general public can now view timely air quality information, by city, on Google Earth.

Everyone, particularly asthmatics, children, and other sensitive populations who depend on accurate pollutant information to make decisions about their activity levels, can benefit from using the tool to get information on a daily and hourly basis. For example, a mother of an asthmatic child can check the current AQI to decide if her child should go outdoors to play soccer. Health care providers can urge sensitive patients and the public to consider the AQI in planning outdoor activities. Media outlets can also show pollutant readings on Google Earth.

For more information on AIRNow, and to get easy instructions for using AIRNow on Google Earth, please visit:

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